Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Nested Turquoise Ring

Well, at least I've branched out (ha, ha, get it?!?) a bit with this ring and used a piece of turquoise, with no resemblance to eggs whatsoever......

Yes, more nests......

but the wonderful news is my latest is being featured in the "Woodland and Feathers" gift guide on Etsy, and it spent a day cycling to the front page! I sold three items when it first hit, and have gotten well over 200 hits on it since it was listed there. I liked this photo so much it became my avatar too. There's nothing better than getting those little notices of an Etsy's the nest...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Long time since I last posted...

It's been eons since I last posted--happily it's because I've been busy making little nests, and I finally got our taxes done--and we get a 30 dollar refund--woo hoo...

Here's my lastest offering, I found this cool rock to photograph things on...